What we do:We're a Max Living Health Center. We're part of a movement to help transform the heartsand health of people through the 5 Essentials: having an empowered mindset, chiropracticcare, quality nutrition, exercise, and minimizing toxicity.Read about Maximized Living here: https://maxliving.com/our-storyAnd the 5 Essentials here: https://maxliving.com/five-essentialsHow we got here:Dr. Ryan Berlin is originally from Troy, Michigan, but his wife grew up right here in WestChester. They could open their Health Center anywhere in the country. After lots of prayer,they decided West Chester was the community they wanted to serve and put down roots.Dr. Ryan started practicing in West Chester in 2009 and has established Align HealthCenter as the largest natural health and chiropractic centers in greater Cincinnati. Whenpeople ask how, the response is simple. Seek Jesus. Love people.Who are we?We're just ordinary people with big dreams hoping to live with purpose. Yes, that may soundcheesy. But we like cheese. We fully appreciate doing work that matters and resting ourheads at night knowing we made a difference that day. We're super passionate about whatwe do and believe the best is yet to come.Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/alignchiropracticwc/