Emily Hass

Logistics Coordinator at Palmer Candy Company - Sioux City, IA, US

Emily Hass's Contact Details
Palmer Candy Company
Emily Hass's Company Details
Palmer Candy Company logo, Palmer Candy Company contact details

Palmer Candy Company

Sioux City, IA, US • 250 - 499 Employees
Food Processing

The Palmer family has been making candy together for over 135 years.The Palmer Candy Company operates today as not only one of the oldest country's candy companies but as the very oldest company of its size to be under continued family ownership in the United States.Today a fifth-generation family member, the great-great grandson of founder, E.C. Palmer, runs the Palmer Candy Company. Even though the company continues to grow, we never forget our early roots making quality candies one batch at a time using the finest ingredients and careful time honored production techniques. We love making chocolate confections and enjoy living up to our 100 year old motto - "Making Life Sweeter Since 1878"!

Details about Palmer Candy Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Emily Hass
Emily Hass currently works for Palmer Candy Company.
Emily Hass's role at Palmer Candy Company is Logistics Coordinator.
Emily Hass's email address is ***@palmercandy.com. To view Emily Hass's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emily Hass works in the Food Production industry.
Emily Hass's colleagues at Palmer Candy Company are Leonor Woods, Johnny Peset, Carole McKnight, Emily Heger, Kelvin Enicar, Dilan Contreras, William Haddock and others.
Emily Hass's phone number is 712-258-5543
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