Midtown Raleigh, a premier destination for commerce, culture, lifestyle, education and leisure activities.--Mission--The Midtown Raleigh Alliance brings together community leaders with those who live, work and play in Midtown to: - Advocate for our area's needs - Promote Midtown - Enhance our quality of life--Description--Midtown Raleigh is unique with long established neighborhoods, a deep sense of community, a thriving mix of businesses, schools, churches, parks and open space and a vibrant 24/7 urban center with over 100 acres of walkable amenities.The area within a 2-mile radius surrounding North Hills has become a hub of commercial and residential activity in Raleigh, distinctive in character and location, with its own sense of place. Having a midtown center of density is a marker for a successful city, and Midtown Raleigh is becoming a national model for sustainable living.