We all know that things which are different stand out. Remember the last time you went to a function or gathering dressed a bit too casually while everyone else wore a suit? We immediately notice things that are out of the ordinary or unexpected, and push everything else in to the background. Our brains are designed this way because we can't pay attention to everything at once. Our attention is very selective. Most companies spend their marketing budgets on apparently "creative" campaigns which actually make them look the same as everyone else. That's a shame, because if you are prepared to be very different, you can create the kind of excitement and buzz which will drive sales. It doesn't matter what line of business you are in, or how you measure success. The principles remain the same. Since 2001, Hubbub has worked with clients in the UK, Europe and much further afield to help them differentiate from their competition and drive the business results they are looking for. Since 2007, Hubbub has worked very closely with yourBusinessChannel to help it grow and expand its business in Europe and North America.