Emily Hutsell

Vendor Coordinator at Rush ReCommerce - Omaha, NE, US

Emily Hutsell's Contact Details
Rush ReCommerce
Emily Hutsell's Company Details
Rush ReCommerce logo, Rush ReCommerce contact details

Rush ReCommerce

Omaha, NE, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Rush ReCommerce is a company that is solving a massive problem - customer returns from e-commerce. Rush ReCommerce, in partnership with The Rush Market, receives online customer returns, utilizes proprietary software to inspect and value the products, resells through physical and online retail, and brings tremendous value to retailers and manufacturers.

Details about Rush ReCommerce
Frequently Asked Questions about Emily Hutsell
Emily Hutsell currently works for Rush ReCommerce.
Emily Hutsell's role at Rush ReCommerce is Vendor Coordinator.
Emily Hutsell's email address is ***@rushrecommerce.com. To view Emily Hutsell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emily Hutsell works in the Retail industry.
Emily Hutsell's colleagues at Rush ReCommerce are Brian Pribnow, Alex Weinandt, Kyle Baumgartner, Sean Powell, Alex Nielsen, Cayden Haiar, Anne Cunning and others.
Emily Hutsell's phone number is N/A
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