Emily Parrett

Digital Marketing Specialist at Informa Tech - London, ENG, UK

Emily Parrett's Colleagues at Informa Tech
Richard Mahony

Vice President, Service Provider Markets

Contact Richard Mahony

Ildefonso Cruz

Principal Analyst - Mission Critical Communications

Contact Ildefonso Cruz

Duncan Macneil

Data & Analytics Senior Specialist

Contact Duncan Macneil

Natalie Bustamante

Director, Events and Media Sales

Contact Natalie Bustamante

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Emily Parrett's Contact Details
United Kingdom
Informa Tech
Emily Parrett's Company Details
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Informa Tech

London, ENG, UK • 554 Employees

Informa Tech is a leading provider of market insight and market access to the global business technology community. Through in-depth expertise and an engaged audience community, Informa Tech helps business professionals make better technology decisions and marketers reach the most powerful tech buyers and influencers in the world. Across its portfolio of over 100+ trusted brands, Informa Tech has over 1000 industry experts, including over 400 research analysts and consultants in global research group Omdia, and a monthly audience reach of over 125 million. Informa Tech is a division of FTSE 100 company Informa plc. With deep understanding of global markets, audiences, and a powerful ecosystem of fully permissioned first-party data, Informa Tech delivers high-performing digital marketing services across every step of the buyer journey, helping marketers to build long-term relationships with their targeted customers.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emily Parrett
Emily Parrett currently works for Informa Tech.
Emily Parrett's role at Informa Tech is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Emily Parrett's email address is ***@informatech.com. To view Emily Parrett's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emily Parrett works in the SaaS industry.
Emily Parrett's colleagues at Informa Tech are Richard Mahony, Ildefonso Cruz, Siraj Aziz, Duncan Macneil, Natalie Bustamante, Anand Vara, Barri Ardizzone and others.
Emily Parrett's phone number is N/A
See more information about Emily Parrett