Emily Tarjick

early childhood consultant at Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN) - Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Emily Tarjick's Contact Details
(413) 246-9675
Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN)
Emily Tarjick's Company Details
Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN) logo, Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN) contact details

Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN)

Springfield, Massachusetts, US • 1157 Employees
Mental Healthcare

Behavioral Health Network, Inc. is a growing non-profit community behavioral health agency that has been providing services to children and families in Western Mass since 1938. As a comprehensive service system, with a focus on delivering professional services to those with mental illness, substance use disorders or intellectual disabilities, BHN’s funding sources are diverse. BHN holds contracts with the Departments of Mental Health, Public Health, Developmental Disabilities, Youth Services, and Medicaid, along with cities, towns, and various Federal departments. BHN also contracts with most health insurance companies. BHN and its programs have been instrumental in development of new services and meeting the behavioral health needs of the Pioneer Valley. We serve the most challenging individuals, utilize evidenced-based treatment models, and collaborate well with healthcare, social service organizations and educational systems to promote integrated quality services to individuals and their families.

Mental Health Services Substance Use Disorder Services Intellectual Disability Services
Details about Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN)
Frequently Asked Questions about Emily Tarjick
Emily Tarjick currently works for Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN).
Emily Tarjick's role at Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN) is early childhood consultant.
Emily Tarjick's email address is ***@bhninc.org. To view Emily Tarjick's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emily Tarjick works in the Mental Healthcare industry.
Emily Tarjick's colleagues at Behavioral Health Network, Inc (BHN) are Julia Garrity, Karyn Agustynowicz, Julie Schliebner, Dahlia Ramirez, Tiffany Vega, Tiffanie Maiers, Nilda Rivera and others.
Emily Tarjick's phone number is ["4134419861"]
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