Financial Empowerment Trainer at WOMENS CENTER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY - Elkins Park, PA, US
Since 1976, the Women's Center of Montgomery County's mission is freedom from Domestic Violence and other forms of abuse. Serving approximately 5,000 unique individuals every year, The Women's Center offers critical services that positively impact those affected by abuse. This includes:* 24-hour toll-free Hotline: 1-800-773-2424* Assistance filing Protection from Abuse Orders onsite at courthouse* Court accompaniment to Protection from Abuse Orders (PFA), district court, preliminary hearings* Legal advocacy and options counseling* Assistance with Crime Victim Compensation and restitution filings* Assistance with SAVIN registration* Court orientation and instruction for victims on legal procedures* Individualized and Support Groups counseling* Assistance locating emergency shelter, affordable and/or temporary housing* Information and referral for crisis callers* Advocates to intervene on a victim's behalf with employer or creditor* Professional training and technical support for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice personnel* Professional training and technical support for Healthcare Providers* Prevention education in schools, workplaces and community settings* Assistance to victims with immigration issues due to victimization* Bilingual and Language Line supportThe Women's Center is proud and appreciative of the 185 volunteers who tirelessly donate their time and talent to our cause.BOARD:Maria Macaluso, Executive DirectorRosemary Santulli, Co-PresidentAmy Stern, Co-PresidentCarol Chwal, Vice PresidentLinda Brennan, TreasurerPat Metzger, SecretarySandra Capps, Past PresidentChris GilmanNancy Feldman KirshBetsy RobinsonBeth RubinIlyse ShapiroDov WeinerPaula Weiss