Agency supplying the finest freelance professionals in the Geophysical / Hydrographic survey industry.Let us briefly explain the ideology of CMSourcing. What we aim to achieve is a cooperative type group within the survey personnel market. Right now we are set up as a global network of small companies working together under the same brand to offer a hugely diverse pool of personnel paired with expert local knowledge. We have several offices each specialising in a different field. In doing this, our clients are now able to be far more time efficient in how they select personnel. Presently, there may be up to 6-7 agencies represented on a single job. That's a lot to keep track of and gives a lot of scope for misunderstandings, not to mention the usual large discrepancies with rates depending on the particular agency commission. Why not have just 1 agency? Who then sub-contracts internally, entirely removing the burden from yourselves. These are the same people, same CVs, but through us these people are generally cheaper as although we are a global entity, we maintain very low overheads so don't have to chase profits to survive. Likewise for our contractors, there is now no need to register with a group of agencies. By registering with CMSourcing, you are making your name available for use in each region we are active in. One agency, global coverage.