Edizioni Compagine was born on October 1st 2011, constituting itself as a cultural association: in two, Emma Cavigliasso and Andrea Gualano decided to givespace to unpublished works by new authors."Walnut is a symbol of wisdom, is a brain fruit and, like a book, has a shell that protects a nourishing soul. In our walnuts, in our books, pages of stories, original and heterogeneous, are told with almost naturalistic attention tothe concrete aspects of life ".No foreclosure, lots of curiosity and few firm points:• Compagine disagrees with vanity press;• Compagine distribuites books in an autonomous way, even outside the bookstores;• Compagine believes in networking, in critical mass, in cultural contaminations.Compagine is the close union of several people working for a common purpose, a union that works for the reader and of which the reader is a part, becausein Compagine we are readers before publishers.