Founded in 1945, Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) is the peak industry body for the Australian nursery and garden industry and is responsible for overseeing the national development of this diverse and essential industry. Our Industry Vision A unified Australian nursery and garden industry that is productive, profitable and sustainable The five objectives of the strategic plan 2010 - 15 are: - Increase the sales value of nursery products and services through marketing and promotion; - Enhance the capacity and efficiency of the industry's resources through upgrading industry skills, knowledge and practice; - Build industry support through shaping government, public and related industry understanding of the industry's benefits, and enhance these benefits through collaboration; - Invest in nursery product/service development to enable the industry to respond to growth opportunities and challenges; and - Support the industry through services and resources that enhance its capacity to respond to issues, capture opportunities and achieve the vision of this strategic plan.