Aquify is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Exelon Corporation, the nation's largest power and gas utility operator and leading competitive energy provider. Our utilities led the Smart Grid revolution—installing sensors and meters and deploying advanced analytics and automation resulting in unprecedented reliability, resilience and responsiveness. Aquify is leveraging Exelon's vast knowledge, experience, people and assets to help water utilities operate more proactively and efficiently. Aquify is your complete water distribution network intelligence solution. We use advanced sensor technology, machine learning-enabled analytics software, and our 24/7 engineering and operations center to deliver continuous system insight, so you always know what's happening in your water network.We help you identify leaks before they surface, avoid costly main-breaks and extend asset life. Reduce non-revenue water, get recurring operational benefits and increase customer satisfaction.Aquify's Network Operations Control (NOC) analysts operate as an ‘extension of your staff'. We support your existing workforce with a 24/7 utility monitoring staff and analytics experts.Aquify levels the playing field and makes it easy for municipalities of all sizes to realize the benefits of internal and external datasets and advanced analytics through a unique shared service model.