Emma Sorkin

Editor In Chief at The Bowdoin Orient - Brunswick, ME, US

Emma Sorkin's Contact Details
Baltimore,Maryland,21240,United States
The Bowdoin Orient
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The Bowdoin Orient logo, The Bowdoin Orient contact details

The Bowdoin Orient

Brunswick, ME, US • 42 Employees

America's oldest continuously published college weekly, The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run publication dedicated to providing news and information relevant to the Bowdoin College community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators, the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in writing and reporting. Distributed free on campus or available by subscription. On Twitter as @bowdoinorient

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emma Sorkin
Emma Sorkin currently works for The Bowdoin Orient.
Emma Sorkin's role at The Bowdoin Orient is Editor In Chief.
Emma Sorkin's email address is ***@bowdoinorient.com. To view Emma Sorkin's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emma Sorkin works in the Newspapers industry.
Emma Sorkin's colleagues at The Bowdoin Orient are Hayden Redelman, Lucas Dufalla, Tianyi Xu, Katie King, Sofie Brown, Sebastian Lasa, Aura Carlson and others.
Emma Sorkin's phone number is 207-725-3000
See more information about Emma Sorkin