Ombiz Techno Services Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 21 June 2016. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Pune. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 100,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100,000.It is inolved in Other computer related activitiesDirectors of Ombiz Techno Services Private Limited are Somnath Eknath Raut and Soniya Somnath Raut.Initially the company started PayAll Project in 2007 in Ahmednagar. PayAll project works in All Telecom sectors. Our Services are Prepaid, Postpaid, DTH, Data card, Landline, Electricity bill payment.PayAll direct business associates are BSNL, Idea, Airtel, Reliance, Docomo, Telenor, Dish TV, Tata Sky, Reliance Jio, Airtel Digital, Mahadiscom, Tata Power, etc. 500+ Multistate and Co-operative Sanstha are the client of Payall and 27000+ Retailer Distributor Network in PAN India. PayAll services available through different Platform such as Android App, Online (Computer, Mobile, laptop) & SMS.Later on it the company started Dnyaneshvar Gramsoft project with vision Digital Grampanchayat. Currently we digitalize 450+ villages Grampanchayat. The aim of Digital Grampanchayat is to create smart village & cities and make governance services more transparent.Well Ahead on it now company has started project with vision local to global business in PAN India. We work supportive part of Digital India Program, which is started by our Government.