Emmanuel Bie

Sales And Marketing Representative at Sumundi - Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana

Emmanuel Bie's Contact Details
+233 55 042 9507
Emmanuel Bie's Company Details
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Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana • 6 Employees

We have a single purpose - of giving shop owners the peace of mind, confidence and convenience they need to run their businesses through the power of technology 💖🚀We are passionate about the elimination of theft by the shop's employees and sales attendants. An activity which is extremely worrisome to shop owners - collapsing their businesses, eating into their capital, causing them millions in losses and money they could have used to grow their businesses.Shops are the points of survival for millions of families and contribute enormously to our economic growth. We can't sit back and watch them collapse and grow stale one by one - and this is the reason for our existence as an organisation. Every shop saved through the power of technology is millions of money of losses saved. Every shop saved is a new light of hope for a better livelihood for a shop owners and their families 👨‍👩‍👦

Details about Sumundi
Frequently Asked Questions about Emmanuel Bie
Emmanuel Bie currently works for Sumundi.
Emmanuel Bie's role at Sumundi is Sales And Marketing Representative.
Emmanuel Bie's email address is ***@sumundi.com. To view Emmanuel Bie's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emmanuel Bie works in the Retail industry.
Emmanuel Bie's colleagues at Sumundi are Eugenia Larbi, Awura Amponsah, Veronica Tawiah, Sampson Awenbolimi and others.
Emmanuel Bie's phone number is +233 55 042 9507
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