Radiation Safety Officer at Superior Integrity Services - Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Superior Integrity Services is a national leader in non-destructive and integrity services. SIS has 10 offices strategically located through out the United States to support our pipeline, power, petrochemical, and refining customers.SIS is a solutions focused organization specializing in traditional NDT methods, specialty high capacity weld inspections, advanced NDT methods, and integrity based NDT methods.Traditional MethodsRadiography (RT)Computed Radiography (CR)Digital Radiography (DR)Penetrant testing (PT)Magnetic particle testing (MT)Visual testing (VT) High Capacity Weld InspectionInternal X-ray CrawlersReal Time Radiography (RTR)Automated Ultrasonics (AUT)Advanced NDT Ultrasonic Testing (UT)Phased Array (PAUT)Eddy Current (ET)Positive Material Identification (PMI)Laser ScanningAutomated C-scanDigital CUI ScanningOther non-NDT pipeline integrity inspections