Emmanuelle CARTON

Research Assistant at the GRIP - Research Group on Information about Peace and Security at GRIP - Sydney, NSW, AU

Emmanuelle CARTON's Colleagues at GRIP
Benjamin Vokar

Chargé de communication et des publications

Contact Benjamin Vokar

Danièle Fayer-Stern

Chargée de publications, communication, traduction

Contact Danièle Fayer-Stern

Solene Jomier

Researcher on Peace and Security

Contact Solene Jomier

View All Emmanuelle CARTON's Colleagues
Emmanuelle CARTON's Contact Details
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Emmanuelle CARTON's Company Details
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Sydney, NSW, AU • 20 - 49 Employees

GRIP is an independent research centre, based in Brussels (Belgium).\GRIP's research work focuses mainly on the following domains:\ * Conflict prevention, management and resolution\ * Proliferation of small arms and control of the arms trade\ * European Union and international security\ * Defence economy.\\More on details on the website: www.grip.org/en\\Le GRIP est un centre de recherche indépendant, basé à Bruxelles (Belgique). \\Les travaux de recherche du GRIP s'articulent autour des axes suivants : \ * Prévention, gestion et résolution des conflits violents\ * Prolifération des armes légères et contrôle des transferts d'armes\ * Union européenne et sécurité internationale\ * Economie de l'armement.\\Plus de détails sur le site web : www.grip.org/fr

Peace and conflicts in Africa Arms control and disarmament EU and international security
Details about GRIP
Frequently Asked Questions about Emmanuelle CARTON
Emmanuelle CARTON currently works for GRIP.
Emmanuelle CARTON's role at GRIP is Research Assistant at the GRIP - Research Group on Information about Peace and Security.
Emmanuelle CARTON's email address is ***@grip.org. To view Emmanuelle CARTON's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Emmanuelle CARTON works in the Non-Profit industry.
Emmanuelle CARTON's phone number is
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