ROBIGEM - ROBotic Image Guided Electro-Mechanic Magnetic Surgical Technologies Development CenterOur main activity is to develop robotic guided, image assisted electro-mechanical magnetically controlled surgical devices and systems.Cont. Projects:Our study titled " Electro-Mechanic-Magnetic Growing Rods For Spinal Disorders (Scoliosis) Treatment and Distrction of Bones" has been entitled to be supported by the Tubitak 1507 Program 1st Call for 2021.Our studies are focused on neurosurgery and spinal deformity treatment surgery.Our completed projects are:1) 3D MR CT viewing software, performs detailed visual and parametric analysis on patient dicom MRI and CT images.2) Optically and Electromagnetically Controlled Neurosurgery Navigation Software and SimulatorWith those projects, we enabled to perform surgical training and surgical planning improving the learning skills of residents in a virtual reality based surgical environment. 3) Tibial Distal Electro - magnetic locking Software