Principal at Professional Institute of Science & Fashion Technology (PISFT) - Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
VisionPISFT determined to Established itself as a "center of excellence and potentiality" to create and enrich Bangladesh by producing experience and technically competed human resources for the RMG apparel and allied sector of home and abroad emphasizing on innovation and creativity.PISFT will be remain a center of potentially of excellence in high education. It will Established itself with the profound categories according to global advantage and will attract Students faculty and staff from all parts of the world.MISIONThe mission of PISFT is to build an world standard category institute for education, training, research and development to produce highly experienced qualified dynamic versatile, creative and skilled human resources for worldwide fashion field and design sector, textile technology apparel and allied industries of home and abroad.PISFT mission enrich with the thought of world enlighten potentiality so that thought creating competitive, experienced and ethical views graduates can help more to advanced Bangladesh as a economical independence country.