Natural healthcare is essential if you wish to live a longer, higher quality of life.We are all living longer, and, we believe most people would prefer to live their entire lives in good health. That's why we offer natural methods, such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, lifestyle and nutrition counseling, and meditation and relaxation resources, to heal and maintain health. Our teachings and techniques are positive thought based. It's our intention to help every patient create the level of health and happiness they desire in their lives. We treat the root cause(s) of illness or challenges, whether they be mind, body or spirit based. As we treat the root, many symptoms can be resolved. Here is a short list of imbalances we treat: infertility, gastrointestinal issues, the pain of any kind, chronic sinus conditions, coughs and colds, menstrual irregularities, PMS, menopause symptoms, and cancer co-treatment. ** If you've tried everything else and/or been told your condition is "unexplained or not treatable," we should definitely talk!**