Metartec are Critical Power Specialists who deliver a complete, cost-effective, tailor-made solution for all your power supply needs. We supply own brand single and three phase UPS systems, offering superior quality at affordable prices. All of our units incorporate Unlocked Software which ensures that our customers avoid high service costs and reduces their cost of ownership.Additionally, Metartec offers turnkey electrical installations, UPS maintenance, batteries, UPS Hire, ad hoc repairs and thermal imagingMetartec also provide high-quality, competitively priced solar devices. We supply leading international solar inverters for photovoltaic application and can create a tailor-made solar solution to suit your photovoltaic needs.Through a partnership with leading manufacturer Circutor, Metartec have launched a new line of business, Metartec e3, and can provide a comprehensive range of Electrical Energy Efficiency (e3) solutions.For more information on Metartec's extensive range of products and services please contact us on 0845 64 39 772 (GB), 0845 50 40 444 (NI), email or visit