Castra is a specialist engineering consultancy providing advice on security and resilience in the built environment. The company was formed in 2006 and brought together the expertise of a number of ex-military and civilian engineers with extensive experience in the field. Castra believes in a systems approach to security and resilience that integrates the most appropriate engineering solution with the operational need of the client. We ensure that our solutions support and enhance the client's need through: • Intelligent requirements capture. We have developed techniques to enable us to identify a client's security and resilience needs and then ensure their delivery in even the most complex projects. We believe that security and resilience start at the very beginning with a sound project brief. • Intelligent use of existing infrastructure. Infrastructure is expensive and takes time to build or replace. Organisations will already have made a significant investment in their infrastructure and cannot afford to completely replace it every time a risk assessment is undertaken. At Castra, we pride ourselves on delivering whole-life solutions for both new and existing infrastructure. • Intelligent integration. It is our belief that security is a function of resilience. A systems approach, tying together all aspects of the engineering with the client's business operation and a drive to continuous improvement is fundamental to our philosophy.