In 1986 UPF was incorporated, and the line of Poly-Tanks®' fire truck water tanks took off. The Poly-Tank® was the perfect alternative to steel and fiberglass water tanks for fire trucks. We continue to develop our product line, which now includes more than just t-type and rectangle tanks for pumper trucks. Throughout the world, departments choose our Poly-Tanks® on tanker, brush, and ARFF trucks. UPF designs each Poly-Tank® to meet the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) guidelines for water tanks. UPF Poly-Tanks® are made from exceptional quality polypropylene with a limited lifetime warranty. Our polypropylene is a strong, lightweight plastic and offers weight savings on your chassis. In addition, our Poly-Tanks® and many of our other products will never rust or corrode. Because replacing steel and fiberglass was a success, UPF applied the same innovation for additional products such as our wrecker bodies, toolboxes, and rescue bodies. UPF started with just three employees. Today UPF employs over 200. UPF's fire product line has significantly grown over the years. The company now manufacturers more than the Poly-Tank® internal tank for fire trucks. UPF is also well known in the fire industry for its foam trailers. Additionally, UPF manufactures bodies for towing trucks and toolboxes that are all made out of the same non-corrosive, high-impact polypropylene that made the Poly-Tank® such a success. UPF has proven in the past 35 years to be the best plastic fabrication company with outstanding customer service from the initial sale to delivery and support of the product. UPF provides a reliable product for the fire industry with a lifetime warranty. UPF headquarters is located in North Andover, MA, with manufacturing facilities in MA, WI, and FL.