Specializing in Alternative Regional Advertising for spirits, wine, and beer, Alexander & Gorman provides a quality and researched approach to developing product demand for our clients. We are digital marketing specialists, and the masters of today's product placement.Thriving on our unique approach to advertising, we strive to bring forth the history of your product in a way that today's consumers can attach themselves to. We understand that your product stands alone, and that's what we want to show the world.Alexander & Gorman carefully selects and reviews each potential candidate to ensure amazing potential and value, making your company not only something that the consumer can fall in love with, but we fall in love with as well.We understand the demographics and data required to ensure your product is getting the attention it needs and deserves. You're part of the Alexander & Gorman family, and we will treat you as such. Our main goal, above all, is to make your product sought after by starting off in smaller regional markets and building onward into the global sphere.What is Alternative Regional Advertising?Most advertising research studies and campaigns focus on a wide scope of basic demographic information by region. Though not a bad approach, Alexander & Gorman takes it much further. We dissect each region our campaigns are focused on into smaller cultural epicenters to reach the individual demographic groups within. Every city has a wide array of unique subgroups and populations that are usually overlooked. We want to bring your product to the widest population possible. We make it possible by specifically targeting said underrepresented groups