DRS Daylight Solutions is the world leader in Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) based molecular detection and imaging systems. The company pioneered the commercialization of QCLs by combining QC gain media with our patented External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser (ECqcL™) technology. The result was a robust, broadly tunable or fixed wavelength mid-infrared (mid-IR) laser source. Our basic technologies include: • QC gain media advanced through collaborative research efforts with our partners, and made commercially viable through patented die attach and packaging technology. • Anti-Reflective (AR) coatings developed specifically for QC gain media and mid-IR fibers. • Advanced, miniature aspheric lenses that enable micro-optic packaging and diffraction-limited performance in the mid-IR. • Telecom-style packaging technology adapted to enable robust, miniaturized modules that function as flexible platforms for a variety of OEM applications. • Broadly tunable mid-infrared laser sources based on our patented external cavity technology (ECqcL™). Our laser sources are tunable up to 25% of their center wavelengths, or 300cm-1 in pulsed or continuous wave (CW) mode. Sources are also available with up to 150cm-1 tunability in Mode-Hop Free (MHF) operation. Daylight Solutions leverages its core technologies to deliver commercial- and military-grade system-level solutions for markets that include Scientific Research, Medical Diagnostics, Environmental and Industrial Monitoring, and Defense. The company’s patented designs, coupled with its advanced manufacturing processes, ensure robustness and reliability with 1,000 to 10,000 hours of real-time operation.