Special Projects Coordinator at Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association - Bragg Creek, AB, CA
The GBCTA is a purely volunteer group of Bragg Creek residents that are working hard to design, build and maintain trails and pathways for the benefit of residents and visitors of Bragg Creek.The Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association came into existence in 2004, as a result of the Rocky View County's Greater Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan (ASP).It was recognized that a local group was needed to manage and develop trails and pathways in the area and subsequently, several members of the ASP sub-committee created The Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association. Today we have many individuals, families, business's and other not for profit organizations, that provide support towards pathway development and help with our ongoing activities. We are a registered society with charitable status and can issue tax receipts for donations.Our guiding principles and conceptual routing originate from the Greater Bragg Creek ASP approved by the community in 2007. Our objective is to create pathways that connect our community and provide access for all residents of Bragg Creek to historical, cultural, recreational and scenic venues in our wonderful community. In addition the Association, in partnership with Alberta Parks, builds and maintains trails for hiking, biking,cross country skiing, snowshoeing and horseback riding in West Bragg Creek, Kananaskis Country.The trails and pathways we build help to improve the quality of life and, encourage active and healthy life styles in a clean environmental fashion. With pathways strategically located within our community, we believe we are creating a safer form of infrastructure that allows us to access our beautiful outdoors while reducing our dependence on vehicles and minimizing our impact on the environment. We improve community connectivity and safety for non motorized trail users.