Leo and Tammy have owned and operated their own construction company since 1980 in Longmont, Colorado specializing in commercial and residential construction. With the down turn in construction in the Longmont area and Leo and Tammy's two children off to college, they felt this would be a good opportunity to move back to the state where Tammy was born. With this unanimous decision between the Pilkington's the transition was set into place to move the company to Pilkington Commercial Co., Inc. with Tammy as President/CEO, Leo as Vice-President/COO/Secretary and Chris as Vice-President/Treasurer.As years go on and new adventures begin, Clint Harrington has become the new owner of Pilkington Construction. With Chris Pilkington still by his side, Clint will continue on the Pilkington legacy.With over 20 employees the Pilkington family continues to grow.