We believe that one platform can bring world-class bass education to bass players around the world.The problems for bass players such as yourself, who are trying to push their bass playing to the next level are obvious. The gag is, you probably don't even know about them. So let's dig into this…You can either enroll in a music school (but only if you don't have any family commitments and you can afford it - it's expensive!), or you can seek out a 'one-to-one' bass tutor, that you can only meet up with once a week, and unfortunately you'll soon learn that most musicians teach to pay the rent, and for the most part are not interested in education at all. That's a huge issue for people like you because up until now that's the only two options you've ever had.But wait, YouTube arrived. Yay! Well… not so much. Don't get us wrong, YouTube is fantastic, hell, we have over half a million bass players subscribed to our YouTube channel and get around 1.5 million views per month. But, as a solid "educational platform" it's seriously flawed, and in certain ways can do more harm than good. Ever felt you didn't know what to work on next? Felt overwhelmed? Jumping between videos looking for that next "shiny object"? Felt totally lost in a sea of information?… Well, you've already experienced what we're trying to highlight.That's why we created ScottsBasslessons. We have created a new type of educational platform that gives people like us (yep - we're just like you!), access to a world-class education from the comfort of our own homes. If you're too young for music school, too old, have a family and other commitments… does that mean that you shouldn't have access to a stellar bass education - HELL NO!For bass players like you, this is a completely new opportunity. Simply put, it's world-class bass education without boundaries.