In 1978 Halsey Schools was established in Woodland Hills, California, serving children of all ages. It didn't take long for Halsey Schools to become the leader in quality early childhood development. Over the years many other schools have come and gone. But through it all Halsey Schools remains the bench mark from which all other schools are measured.Halsey Schools is completely independent and is family owned and operated by Richard and Judy Halsey and their son and daughter in-law Robert and Jennifer Rice.When you visit Halsey Schools you and your child will feel comfortable and at home. You'll feel confident and safe as you are greeted by each and every caring-qualified-smiling teacher. * You'll see clean-bright-colorful classrooms full of happy children. * You'll hear cheery music and children laughing, playing and learning. * You'll see age appropriate manipulatives and equipment. * You'll smell the fresh clean air. * You'll find happy hands-on learning activities on every table, every shelf, and in every corner.Outside you'll see children enjoying the trees, tricycles, push toys, water play tables, play structures and more. You'll see parents just like you: reading books, painting pictures, and playing outside with their children.