Through the power of music, Harmony 4 Hope is a recognized leader in the fight against RARE disease. We are a 501c3 organization using music to uplift children, create community and contribute to external scientific discoveries in Rare Disease. We pursue this mission using a multi-faceted approach:Play This Forward™ – Share Music. Spread Hope.Our unique awareness initiative designed to engage our audience in the collection of iTunes Gift Cards and cash donations to bring music to children facing the challenges Rare Disease. Rock The Research™ – Band Together for Rare DiseaseH4H Benefit Concerts support our outreach and create avenues for direct funding of scientific research. Supported by individual and corporate sponsorships, we orchestrate high-energy concerts as charitable events to mobilize community.Rare Storytellers™ - Amplifying the Voices of Rare DiseaseOur growing educational initiative connecting parent advocates with Chicago's renowned medical schools to educate future doctors about Rare Disease.Collaborations with Global Genes Project, musicians, private donors and with corporate gifts from the likes of CorDynamics, Lundbeck, Walgreens and Retrophin, along with countless charitable contributions from local businesses, H4H has raised tens of thousands of dollars in support of Rare Disease Awareness, Research & Education. The Hope 4 Bridget Foundation, Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Foundation, International Rett Syndrome Foundation, Global Genes Project, La Rabida Children's Hospital, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine and Rush University Medical Center in Chicago have been a few of the recipients of our outreach. The Harmony 4 Hope Team is committed to growing these efforts, identifying additional opportunities that align with our mission, and building a sustainable charity organization supporting rare disease research and awareness through the unifying power of music. Be A Rare Rockstar™ Plug In with us Today.