has organized over fifty anime conventions in its time, with a focus on providing a fantastic customer experience to the anime fans that attend them. We were built from the ground up and earned thousands of loyal fans by providing fantastic events.We organize several anime events each year. Even though every convention we host is very unique, we are very proud that every convention we organize is held to a high standard. Every last convention includes friendly, dedicated staff, a rave dance with lasers, lights, and lots of bass, a formal ball with professional instructors, and dozens of high-energy, interactive panels and presentations.We treat every convention like it's supposed to be the best weekend of your entire year, so we never skip the details. Every convention is still unique, with it's own flavor and style. Anime-ZAP!, for example, is a smaller event (1000 people and three days long) that focuses on making new friends, while AniMinneapolis mixes in Nerdcore rap music with awesome voice actors. Every con is special, and every con is the best con it can be. Every year the conventions add new events, guests, and experiences, so you're encouraged to attend as many as you can!