R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community. We are setting up this community for the first time in Milan! Whether you are an experienced R programmmer or new to R or just have a passion for data science, this will be a community for you.Our goal is to promote diversity and encourage women to involve in the community of R. We are helding various events related to analytics, data science and R programming to share our knowldege and experiences together. These events will include: talks, training, workshop, hackathons, working on projects, etc. on different topics such as: Visualization, Exploratory analysis, Text mining, Machine learning, Social network analysis, Building dynamic reports & dashboard, And many more!To get the latest updates follow us on: • Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/R-Ladies-Milan/ • Our twitter: https://twitter.com/RladiesMilan• Our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rladiesmila• Our github account: https://github.com/parvanesh/rladies-milan• Our slack group: https://join.slack.com/t/rladiesmilan/shared_invite/enQtMjQ5MjQ1NDg4MTYyLTIwYTk4NTQxODgxZmU3Njk0NTg5MDc2MDBjZmVjN2QxYzQ3ZWFjY2IwNjBlNTgzN2MyNWQzMjA1ZDUyY2NkMTM