Restoration Director & Senior Scientist at Delaware Riverkeeper Network - Bristol, PA, US
Communications & Advocacy Coordinator to the Delaware Riverkeeper
The Delaware Riverkeeper Network has 21 staff members comprised of lawyers, advocates, scientists, technical experts, educators, and folks who care deeply about the River, so much so they have dedicated their lives to working with the Delaware Riverkeeper to protect it.DRN undertakes work in six program areas: Advocacy to protect water quality and habitats; Awareness-to-Action to organize local communities into activists to protect local streams; Habitat Restoration to restore damaged streams; River Resources Law Clinic to enforce environmental laws; River Tech to provide the technical expertise necessary for citizens, municipalities and water protection organizations to understand and address complex watershed issues; and Water Watch to monitor the health of the River and its tributaries. As a watershed-focused advocacy organization, we pay particular attention to regional and local issues that threaten water quality and the ecosystems of the Delaware River watershed. DRN is known for taking forward leading positions in order to advance river protection and restoration, such as securing the special protection waters regulations and designation that we are now using to protect the Delaware River from natural gas development. Whether responding to a new major threat, such as gas drilling, or reviewing state antidegradation programs to assess clean stream protection, DRN positions are always backed up with sound science, solid information and impeccable documentation.