Alimentos ProfusaWe produce IQF, BQF, Aseptic, Puree, Preps, and jams for the dairy industry, baked goods, ice cream, and baby food, among others. (Our Ohmic production line allows us to produce aseptic products, without conservatives, widely used in the baby food industry).Profusa currently exports its products to the United States, Canada, France, England, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Costa Rica, Japan, and the Philippines amongst others. Profusa's Certificates required by our customers: SQF, FSSC 22000, KOSHER Orthodox Union (OU) and KA Kosher) as well as having some products that are certificated organic.Please visit our website: so you can obtain more information about our company and the products we process. Also, this link!AivNzWY3iE1lgQJJoNZfzd2GUMeu has our seasonal calendar, with much of the information you would need.