Erika Skaggs

Direct Support Professional at Lakemary Center - Paola, KS, US

Erika Skaggs's Contact Details
Lakemary Center
Erika Skaggs's Company Details
Lakemary Center logo, Lakemary Center contact details

Lakemary Center

Paola, KS, US • 500 - 999 Employees

To learn, to grow, to reach for the stars...these are the goals and dreams of the people served by Lakemary - children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.Since 1969, Lakemary has been a leader in providing opportunities for individuals with special needs. Helping maximize the freedom and control they bring to their lives is what Lakemary is all about.Each year, Lakemary touches the lives of more than 600 individuals and their families. Our children's psychiatric residential treatment program and school are located on a beautiful 32-acre campus in Paola. In addition, a wide range of individualized services for adults and children are provided at sites throughout Miami and Johnson counties.From early intervention for at-risk infants and toddlers to retirement supports for older adults - Lakemary provides a lifetime of opportunities for those we serve.

Education Healthcare Hospital/Clinic Psychiatric Hospitals Mental Health Care
Details about Lakemary Center
Frequently Asked Questions about Erika Skaggs
Erika Skaggs currently works for Lakemary Center.
Erika Skaggs's role at Lakemary Center is Direct Support Professional.
Erika Skaggs's email address is *** To view Erika Skaggs's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Erika Skaggs works in the Mental Health Care industry.
Erika Skaggs's colleagues at Lakemary Center are Jason Mass, Liz Stone, Lindsey Schultz, Sharon Nyanyuki, Michael Bledsoe, Tiffany Miller, April Life and others.
Erika Skaggs's phone number is 913-557-4000
See more information about Erika Skaggs