Geometry Integrated Health is a friendly, calm, and modern place, in Victoria B.C. for busy people to find solutions to their health-related challenges. With the convenience of online booking and direct billing we offer massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, athletic therapy and naturopathic medicine.Geometry Integrated Health was born out of a desire to provide a friendly, calm, and modern place for busy people to find solutions to their health-related challenges.Geometry offers the convenience and ease of direct billing, extended hours, and 24-hour online booking. Our practitioners and staff work as committed members of your healthcare team, providing you with the reliable, effective care you need to enjoy your life to the fullest.We use only natural, safe cleaning products and have a synthetic scent-free clinic. Wherever possible, we have gone paperless. We do our charting online. We email receipts. We also believe it is important to help build community, and that's why we donate some of our proceeds to various local causes. We will honestly explain to you what you can expect out of a treatment, what treatment plan is recommended and why, and how long recovery might take. We will offer a referral to another healthcare practitioner if we believe you will be better served by someone else. Since it is 2019, we have gender neutral bathrooms. We strive to maintain a diverse clinic, with staff and practitioners from many different communities. We are, without doubt, committed to maintaining a positive, safe space – and that means we have a zero tolerance policy for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, etc.