Erin Dahl

Voucher Coordinator at Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority - Fargo, ND, US

Erin Dahl's Contact Details
Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority
Erin Dahl's Company Details
Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority logo, Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority contact details

Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority

Fargo, ND, US • 100 - 249 Employees

We serve our Mission by following our Core Values of Service, Quality, Integrity, Teamwork and Commitment.Service = Helping People to the best of our abilitiesIntegrity = Staying true to our word through actionTeamwork = Working together to achieve goalsQuality = Exceeding the average, striving for excellenceCommitment = Dedication to the MissionFargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority, commonly known as "FHRA," has a mission of: "Empowering People to Achieve Independence Through Housing." They do this by administering the Housing Choice Voucher program to supplement rent expense, property management of a variety of affordable housing projects, and property development of safe and affordable housing in the Fargo, ND area. The FHRA offers a variety of affordable housing options ranging from HUD subsidized units for families, senior or persons with disabilities, to projects that are more service-enriched and designed specifically for persons coming out of homelessness.To learn more about Fargo Housing & Redevelopment and its programs, visit the website at

Details about Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority
Frequently Asked Questions about Erin Dahl
Erin Dahl currently works for Fargo Housing.
Erin Dahl's role at Fargo Housing is Voucher Coordinator.
Erin Dahl's email address is *** To view Erin Dahl's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Erin Dahl works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Erin Dahl's colleagues at Fargo Housing & Redevelopment Authority are Katrina Wilke, Jill Elliott, Tawnya Taylor, Chris Brungardt, Lynette Seminole, Nathan Boyer and others.
Erin Dahl's phone number is 701-293-6262
See more information about Erin Dahl