Progressive Urban Management Associates (P.U.M.A.) is a national leader in helping communities and organizations across the country create and sustain thriving places. We advise clients on a wide range of community planning, economic development, organizational management, and financial solutions.P.U.M.A.'s team brings together experts in all areas of downtown and community development. One of our clients said it best, "The people that make up the P.U.M.A. team are passionate about the work they do and the communities they work for. Each of them demonstrates a remarkable ability to communicate with, and relate to, a diverse group of downtown stakeholders and are able to respond to a broad gamut of issues spanning from economic assessment, financing strategies, urban design, regulatory/zoning updates, and more." P.U.M.A. specializes in downtown strategic plans, BID formation and renewal, community vision and action plans, economic development and resiliency, market assessments and trends, and healthy community strategies. We also conduct groundbreaking research to identify the top trends in demographics, lifestyles, global competition and disruption, and place them in the unique context of North American cities and towns. P.U.M.A.'s Global Trends Report has been utilized by cities across the country to support downtown planning, marketing and economic development initiatives.