Communications Intern at Green Path Strategies - Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
Green Path Strategies is dedicated to helping energy companies connect with people. The energy industry today is more competitive than ever. New technologies, a labyrinth of regulations, and citizen activism in the age of social media all present challenges and opportunities for any energy company. Navigating this ever-changing business environment requires strong communication plans that understand the myriad of influences on the energy industry. Green Path Strategies' staff has over 25 years of experience helping energy enterprises manage their external relations and reputation. We partner with clients to understand the internal goals and collaboratively develop and execute a communication plan that reaches the right people at the right time.Clients include (or have included):Gravity Renewables - Green Path Strategies' provides ongoing external communication services, including stakeholder and media relations, grant writing and online management, for this growing company dedicated to conserving America's base of small hydropower generation facilities.Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) - Green Path Strategies' assists this national non-profit with a broad range of strategic communication services designed to expand its message and mission of promoting hydropower that embraces environmental, cultural and recreational stewardship.Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) - Green Path Strategies has teamed up with Climate Resources Group on a project to develop outreach materials encouraging landlords and tenants to embrace photovoltaic solar on rental buildings with one to four units. Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, Utilities Division - Green Path Strategies was engaged to manage community and government relations for a proposed transmission expansion designed to increase the amount of clean energy flowing between Massachusetts and New York.