Erlend Aarsaether

Nestleder Organisasjonsavdelingen at Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp - Oslo, Oslo, N/A

Erlend Aarsaether's Colleagues at Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp

Senior Humanitarian Advisor


Síle Sammon

Mine Action and Disarmament Advisor

Contact Síle Sammon

Per Breivik

Director, Mine Action and Disarmament

Contact Per Breivik

Huda Kayed

Informasjon/Menneskehandel og Retur konsulent

Contact Huda Kayed

View All Erlend Aarsaether's Colleagues
Erlend Aarsaether's Contact Details
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp
Erlend Aarsaether's Company Details
Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp logo, Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp contact details

Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp

Oslo, Oslo, N/A • 1003 Employees

Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is the Norwegian labour movement’s humanitarian organisation for solidarity. The organisation is governed by its members through elected boards and committees. NPA's activities include: Long-term development cooperation (international), Humanitarian Disarmament (international), First aid and rescue services (in Norway) and Refuge, asylum and integration work (in Norway)

Humanitarian International Development First Aid Rescue Refugee Advocacy Asylum Integration Solidarity
Details about Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp
Frequently Asked Questions about Erlend Aarsaether
Erlend Aarsaether currently works for Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp.
Erlend Aarsaether's role at Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp is Nestleder Organisasjonsavdelingen.
Erlend Aarsaether's email address is *** To view Erlend Aarsaether's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Erlend Aarsaether works in the Non-Profit industry.
Erlend Aarsaether's colleagues at Norwegian People's Aid / Norsk Folkehjelp are SIAN ROWBOTHAM, Síle Sammon, Per Breivik, Ida Kroksæter, Anja Riiser, Huda Kayed, Liv Bremer and others.
Erlend Aarsaether's phone number is
See more information about Erlend Aarsaether