Ernan Reyes

glass polishing at FVH Facility - Zuidplas, South Holland, Netherlands

Ernan Reyes's Contact Details
FVH Facility
Ernan Reyes's Company Details
FVH Facility logo, FVH Facility contact details

FVH Facility

Zuidplas, South Holland, Netherlands • 51 - 200 Employees
Facilities Services

FVH Facility Groep is een bundeling van elkaar versterkende bedrijven die professionele facilitaire dienstverlening realiseert ten behoeve van uw vastgoed. Kerntaken van de facilitaire dienstverlening bestaat uit schoonmaakonderhoud, roltrapreiniging, huismeesterdiensten en afvalverwerking. FVH onderscheidt zich voorts door voorloper in de facilitaire sector te zijn middels het Keurmerk Betrouwbaar Ondernemen welk keurmerk op bais van NEN-4400 sedert 2008 wordt gehouden.

Details about FVH Facility
Frequently Asked Questions about Ernan Reyes
Ernan Reyes currently works for FVH Facility.
Ernan Reyes's role at FVH Facility is glass polishing.
Ernan Reyes's email address is *** To view Ernan Reyes's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ernan Reyes works in the Facilities Services industry.
Ernan Reyes's colleagues at FVH Facility are Ratnesh Gautam, VIVEK KUMAR, Jane Domingo, Tran Hongphuc, Erwin Wieren, Marco Veldhoven, Karim Karim and others.
Ernan Reyes's phone number is
See more information about Ernan Reyes