GVAX S.A. (GVAX TV) was set up in 2016 as the first provider of your favorite TV channels from Latin America to your TV. All the free to air TV and premium content from the whole of Latin America.GVAX TV focuses on a barely exploited market with a "basic" need. This with a new and affordable service protected by significant barriers to entry.• The MarketImmigration from Latin America in the recent time to Europe has beensignificant and Latin Americans represent about 10 million people and4 million households (HH). About 75% of this community lives in 6 countries: Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal & Switzerland.• ProblemIn contrast to the US, Europe entrepreneurs did not provide any significant response to the entertainment and cultural needs of Latin American immigrants. For instance, they have access to TV channels of their home country only with expensive, and poor-quality offering limited to a few channels (4-5)in any European country.• SolutionIn response to this situation, GVAX S.A. developed a TV service offering based on a technologically advanced solution, attractively priced (starting at CHF 12 / month), a large high-quality access to Latin American TV and protected from competition as it is based on a high barrier to entry.• Do you want to know more?Please contact us directly• Letter > GVAX - Route des Acacias 32, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland• Investor Relations Email > invest@gvax.tv• Telephone > +41 22 581 11 00• Whatsapp > +41 79 807 17 57• Website > GVAX.TV• Facebook > https://fb.com/gvaxtv• Instagram > https://instagram.com/gvaxtv• iTunes > AIR App download• Google Play > AIR App download