VR ha vendido mas negocios en el mundo que cualquiera.® VR Business Brokers es la empresa pionera y líder a nivel internacional en la intermediación de compra y venta de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). La red de VR vende negocios independientes y franquicias operando en todo el mundo. En 1979, VR se propuso revolucionar la forma en como los negocios cambian de manos. Ahora, somos el lider innovador en la venta de negocios de propiedad privada. VR promueve su negocio con el mas alto profesionalismo a traves de la pagina de internet www.vrbusinessbrokers.com que muestra los negocios representados por VR a miles de compradores nacionales e internactionales.VR has sold more business than anyone in the world.® VR Business Brokers is the pioneer and leader at an international level in the buying and selling of small and large companies. VR's network of independent business and franchises sells businesses all over the world. In 1979, VR proposed to revolutionize the form business exchange hands. Now, we are the leader in the selling of private businesses. VR has successfully united thousands of buyers and sellers in a wide variety of industries. VR promotes your business with the up most professionalism through our internet site, www.vrbusinessbrokers.com. It demonstrates the business that are represented by VR to millions of national and international buyers.