Ernesto Muse

Youth Specialist at Goodwill Industries of the Valleys - Roanoke, VA, US

Ernesto Muse's Contact Details
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys
Ernesto Muse's Company Details
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys logo, Goodwill Industries of the Valleys contact details

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys

Roanoke, VA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys is headquartered in Roanoke and serves 35 counties and 14 cities in Central, Southwest, and Southside, Virginia. Its vision is to eliminate poverty through the mission of empowering individuals, strengthening families, and inspiring communities. In 2021, Goodwill served 38,446 youth, adults, and seniors, placed 670 people into jobs in our community, and helped individuals attain 2,949 industry recognized credentials allowing them to be more competitive in their job search and to find higher paying employment. Visit for more information.

training employment jobs outsourcing industrial operations thrift store retail human services Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about Goodwill Industries of the Valleys
Frequently Asked Questions about Ernesto Muse
Ernesto Muse currently works for Goodwill Industries of the Valleys.
Ernesto Muse's role at Goodwill Industries of the Valleys is Youth Specialist.
Ernesto Muse's email address is *** To view Ernesto Muse's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ernesto Muse works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Ernesto Muse's colleagues at Goodwill Industries of the Valleys are Joshua Lafferty, Diane Reid, Tina Hedrick, Woody Chaney, Anika Gilliam, Robin Knight, Ryan Birckhead and others.
Ernesto Muse's phone number is 540-581-0620
See more information about Ernesto Muse