Cities become Smart Cities. The Digital Economy is upon us. Data is collected from a wide range of sources. Bringing parking related data together for operational and managerial purposes has been our goal for the past ten years. Looking into the future there are many exciting challenges ahead.This diversity of data combined with basically no standards for data exchange either in format or manner of data transfer provides a challenge.So, can it be done? Gathering all this data in a single database, transform the data into information and gain valuable insight? With a dedicated team of IT specialists and parking consultants Monit has developed methodologies and software to process such a wide variety of data sources. The methodology itself is based on ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Load), a process which is well developed and understood in the IT industry. Standardization and data quality controls are essential aspects of this process. Extracting and storing the data by itself is a means, not a goal. For the growing number of customers small and big collections of data are analyzed. Customized reports range from operational, financial audit to management information. PARKING MONITORNow Monit offers you full and easy access to your valuable parking data with our Parking Monitor. This tool – designed by Monit – gives you an at-a-glance overview of the performance of your parking facilities. What's more, you can fine-tune management information to fit the categories and level of detail you require. Use the data to find out exactly where you can improve parking services or facilities. The Parking Monitor collects and sifts through all relevant data to give you the information you are looking for.The Parking Monitor is accessible anytime, any place on your computer, tablet or smartphone.