ViEnerg is a manufacturer for Well testing oil and gas industrial equipments. Our oil & gas well testing products includes value design of oil and gas test separator,10K PSI Dual Pot sand filter,flare KnockOut Drum, heaters,2/3 phase separator,pressure vessel,fuel tank,well heads,Heat exchanger,Piping Manifold,Inlet Manifold,Cross overs,surge tank,Gauge tank ,portable flare stack ,API/CPI separator,Gas dehydration package ,Heatertreater , Desalter and Dehydrator in UAE and India . Vienerg upstream oil and gas division provides products and services solutions to oil and gas customers in upstream industrial requirements Vienerg Resources Pvt Ltd design and manufacturing a wide range of these modular skid packages for the Oil & Gas process industry. Vienerg Resources Pvt Ltd is committed to customer satisfaction by providing quality products, to meet the requirements of relevant National / International standards with on-time delivery. Production quality is continuously monitored and undertaken by highly skilled,experienced QA / QC Engineers.