Black Women Speak empowers and supports Black women and girls in Minnesota. We are committed to creating safe spaces through arts, wellness, and education. Black Women Speak emerged out of a void observing there aren't enough organizations in Minnesota dedicated to Black women and girls. We uplift the lives of Black womxn to heal, find joy, and move toward liberation on our own terms.Black Women Speak is an ecosystem of Black Women who gather to share experiences as a way to heal, find joy, and move toward liberation on our own terms! We do this by tapping into the arts, practicing healing techniques, and providing education around what it means to be a Black woman navigating this world.We work together in order to create and sustain a better way of life for Black women and girls. Our intentions mirror the Combahee River Collective, who stated: "We realize that the only people who care enough about us to work consistently for our liberation are us. Our politics evolve from a healthy love for ourselves, our sisters, and our community which allows us to continue our struggle and work."