Esmeralda Torres

Manage care tech at Community Health of South Florida, Inc. - Cutler Bay, FL, US

Esmeralda Torres's Contact Details
305 252-4820
Homestead,Florida,United States
Community Health of South Florida, Inc.
Esmeralda Torres's Company Details
Community Health of South Florida, Inc. logo, Community Health of South Florida, Inc. contact details

Community Health of South Florida, Inc.

Cutler Bay, FL, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Community Health of South Florida, Inc. (CHI) is a nonprofit healthcare organization that has been providing affordable and culturally-sensitive quality primary and behavioral healthcare services to South Florida residents since 1971. As a federally qualified health center accredited by the Joint Commission, CHI operates 11 state-of-the-art primary care centers and 35 school-based programs. Additionally, CHI's physicians are board-certified. To continue our legacy of being a beacon of hope for our community, CHI most recently embarked on a mission to build the first comprehensive Children's Crisis Center in southern Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties to provide a haven for children suffering from mental illness.

Hospital/Clinic Specialty Hospitals Except Psychiatric Hospital & Health Care Health Care Services Hospitals Health Care
Details about Community Health of South Florida, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Esmeralda Torres
Esmeralda Torres currently works for Community Health of South Florida, Inc..
Esmeralda Torres's role at Community Health of South Florida, Inc. is Manage care tech.
Esmeralda Torres's email address is *** To view Esmeralda Torres's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Esmeralda Torres works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Esmeralda Torres's colleagues at Community Health of South Florida, Inc. are Imelda Chavez, Osneivy Otano, Anthony Acevedo, Crystal Morgan, Cynthia Lira, Vanessa Sierra, Julia Ortega and others.
Esmeralda Torres's phone number is 305 252-4820
See more information about Esmeralda Torres