estefany mendoza

supervisora at First Leads - Durham, NC, US

estefany mendoza's Contact Details
First Leads
estefany mendoza's Company Details
First Leads logo, First Leads contact details

First Leads

Durham, NC, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Successful real estate agents understand that their time is scarce, that their greatest asset is their network, and that the opportunity for growth and a competitive edge springs from their relationships.First provides these agents with data driven solution to prioritize relationships and facilitate conversations that grow their business.With the help of artificial intelligence we bring organization and consistency to the busy agent's day. First prompts engagement, makes data driven recommendations, streamlines scheduling, and tracks every touch.Prioritize relationships and facilitate conversation.

Details about First Leads
Frequently Asked Questions about estefany mendoza
estefany mendoza currently works for First.
estefany mendoza's role at First is supervisora.
estefany mendoza's email address is *** To view estefany mendoza's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
estefany mendoza works in the Computer Software industry.
estefany mendoza's colleagues at First Leads are Shelly Weber, Dave Bosman, Dean Rens, Petra Robeets, NASRIN HEIDARI, Bruno Soares, Tanya Hawkins and others.
estefany mendoza's phone number is 919-205-2241
See more information about estefany mendoza