Our trash. Your treasure.Our story starts from a trash can. Literally. Not the best start for a high quality luxury brand you would say. On the contrary. Everyone is aware that trash has become a huge global environmental problem. So now, even more than ever, we believe it is time for all of us to join the growing zero-waste movement.We promise you trash. Green trash.With our undying love for great looking quality bags and accessories, and the urge to stop damaging our planet, we have started our journey to truly sustainable, cruelty free and circular alternatives for animal and synthetic leather. And ‘green' trash is what we've found. Wine is always the answer.For us it sounded unreal. But if it was true, oh how much we wanted it! Who could ever have thought of wine leather? Well, someone in Italy did. And we love it! Wine leather is soft, smooth, stable, 100% sustainable, almost feels like leather, and it can even be recycled!With a worldwide wine production of 26 billion liters every year, imagine its annual waste output. For every 10 liters of wine, there is 2.5 kg of waste (grape skins, seeds, etc.) left from which 1 square meter of wine leather can be produced. That would be 2.6 billion square meters of wine leather every year, just by using wine production waste.Think outside the trash!Our journey continues. While discovering more and more eco friendly leather and other fabrics that are made out of waste, our mission is to surprise you with many more fashionable treasures from our trash.Your treasures. Coming soon.